The Adventures of the Prophetic Scribe

This is the online journal of the Prophetic Scribe. It is the chronology of a Christian poet's adventures on the road to holiness. Join in the dialogue as she shares her experiences and observations about life in the world from the perspective of a Christian woman of God. The purpose of the Prophetic Scribe is to reveal his love and truth through poetry, ministry, education and encouragement for God's purpose and glory.

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Location: United States

I'm fearless, courageous, adventurous, creative, and prophetic. I strive to live in holiness and obedience to God. I seek to please God, and fulfill the purpose for my life according to His will. I'm here to share the GIFT OF GRACE with those who need deliverance from the worries and issues of this world that are keeping them from living in the abundance of God's Grace. I pray that the information you find here is a blessing to your life.

Monday, September 22, 2008


According to, the definition of transparent is: so sheer as to permit light to pass through; easily seen through, recognized, or detected: open; frank; candid; shining through, as light.

To live a transparent life requires boldness.

To be transparent means that you are willing to be honest, sincere and truthful .
There are no ulterior motives in transparency.
Through transparency, weaknesses (iniquities) are exposed, confessed, and Christ is glorified [2 Cor 12:10]
Through transparency hidden things are revealed [Lk 12:2].
To be transparent means being vulnerable.
To be transparent means allowing yourself to be known, seen and heard as truth.
To be transparent requires abandoning pride, shame, guilt, fear of judgment, acceptance, approval and validation from man.
Being transparent may mean standing alone because other people will be embarrassed by what you may say or what people might think about your bold, uncompromising stand for Christ [ 2 Tim 1:8].

Many people will claim to be transparent, but they are prideful in their heart. They love their lives to the death [Rev 12:11]. They would rather die, than let you see any weakness in them. It's really very pointless because God knows and you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Your sin will eventually be exposed [Num 32:23]. This is not to say that we have to share everything with everybody, but with our desire to be transparent, God gives us wisdom about how and when to give a testimony that will glorify him and lead people back to him. He desires truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden parts, he shows us wisdom. [ps 51:6]. Truthfully, our entire life should reflect the testimony of Christ, since God lives in us.

Can you imagine the transparency required of Christ as he was ridiculed, beaten, paraded through town, stripped naked, and hung on a cross. For many Christians operating in the flesh, a wrong word or even a right word of correction might cause a haughty reaction fused with pride and embarrassment...and that's just a word. Words did not bother Christ, nor did so-called humiliation. In fact, his arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection is commonly referred to as "the passion". Jesus was not thinking of himself when these atrocities were being perpetuated against him. Instead, his "passion" for fulfilling his purpose kept Him going. He picked up His cross and kept his mind focused on his purpose. Even as he was dying on the cross, he asked God to forgive those who persecuted him [Lk 23:34], as we have been instructed to do [Mat 5:44]. There was no pride in him....only purpose - to do the will of His Father. He was willing to be transparent for our sake. Are we willing to be transparent for the sake of His people? Will you lay down your life for God's people? Read the poem, I lay down my life

Sadly, many of us care more about what man thinks of us than what God thinks. We compromise to the point of disobedience to God in order to be acceptable in man's eyes. We are afraid to look foolish, or to offend anyone with the message of the truth, or even to pray in public [Rom 1:16]. So, we hide the testimony of Christ.

The first commandment is that we love God with all our heart, our mind, our soul and our strength [Mk 12:30]. Jesus said, if we love him, we will feed his sheep [Jn 21:16-17]. How can we accomplish this unless we reveal ourselves. True worshippers, must worship the Father in spirit and truth [Jn 4:23].

The testimony of Christ is a truthful account of the life of our savior who is the Word that became flesh in order to dwell among us [john 1:14] so that we may have eternal life in him [1 Jn 5:11]. From the beginning to the end of the Bible, God has provided evidence/proof of his covenant with his people [from the physical Ark of the Testimony [Exodus], to the new temple of the Holy Spirit that is US], The evidence/proof/witness of the Testimony of Christ is the spirit of God that continues to testify through the lives of obedient believers. Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and does not belong to you? [1 Cor 6:19].

Can you be transparent enough for God to be seen through you?

c The Prophetic Scribe 9/19/08 6:05pm

Monday, September 01, 2008

New Wine

I am repositioning my people, says the Lord.

Many of you have new wine , but the place where you worship is not ready to receive it. You don't fit their standard. You don't compromise the word of God. You are too outspoken. They call you self-righteous and holier than thou because you seek after ME with all your heart, mind and soul. You are full of creativity and you express my personality through non-traditional ways. When you prophesy, the people are filled with fear and intimidation because they don't want to hear a word that convicts them to turn from their wicked ways. They want to hear lies and sweet words that affirm that they are fine just the way they are. [Isaiah 30:10]

They don't have a "ministry" to describe what I have put inside you.
It is the testimony of Jesus that is the spirit of prophesy [Revelation 19:10]. If they would eliminate their religious categories, they would have a place for MY ministry. Fear not, For MY gifts and the call on your life cannot be reversed. [Romans 11:29]

I promised you that your gift will make room for you, and bring you before great men. [Proverbs 18:16]. Therefore, I am repositioning my people.

Old foundations founded on old traditions are not effective in teaching MY gospel to ALL nations. [Matthew 28:19]. YOUR church is a dead. I will tear it down and rebuild it. Unless the church is built on the testimony [evidence, proof, witness] of Jesus Christ, it is not MY church. [1 Corinthians 3:10]. YOUR religion keeps the people on milk. [Hebrews 5:12]. They don't want new wine because they think the old wine is better [Luke 5:39].

My leaders have become babysitters, afraid to speak the truth for fear of offending "members". I have given you authority to judge. [1 King 8:32]. Do you not understand that the righteous shall judge the world.? [1 Corinthians 6:2]. Then, why don't you take the responsibility to judge simple matters? [Luke 12:48]. You are the leader, so LEAD!!

I am repositioning my people. I am moving them to fertile ground. I will provide new wine skins for their wine. Not a drop of this precious wine will be wasted. They will not be allowed to cast their pearls to the swine [Mathew 7:6].

This is God's word concerning the churches of the world. 9/1/08