The Adventures of the Prophetic Scribe

This is the online journal of the Prophetic Scribe. It is the chronology of a Christian poet's adventures on the road to holiness. Join in the dialogue as she shares her experiences and observations about life in the world from the perspective of a Christian woman of God. The purpose of the Prophetic Scribe is to reveal his love and truth through poetry, ministry, education and encouragement for God's purpose and glory.

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Location: United States

I'm fearless, courageous, adventurous, creative, and prophetic. I strive to live in holiness and obedience to God. I seek to please God, and fulfill the purpose for my life according to His will. I'm here to share the GIFT OF GRACE with those who need deliverance from the worries and issues of this world that are keeping them from living in the abundance of God's Grace. I pray that the information you find here is a blessing to your life.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Abortion (A Testimony)

Recently, I was reconnected with an old boyfriend whom I was in love with many years ago. When we were young, we had it going on. He was in the music business (working for a major record label), and I was in radio (working for the largest black owned media company in the country). We were both in our early 20's and living the fast life in the entertainment industry. During the years with him, I got pregnant (more than once), and had abortions. It took years for me to forgive myself. But, recently we were reconnected and the Lord told me that I had to share my testimony with him.

"At first I wanted to blame you", I told him, ..."but the Lord showed me that I was just as selfish - after all, I ultimately made the decision". "Then, I had to admit that I was a murderer." - CONFESSION was the beginning of my healing. "Then, I mourned for the children that I killed and asked God for FORGIVENESS" - and he was faithful to forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.
"Then, I had to forgive myself - knowing that depression and guilt were the consequences for my actions" - but God used me as a testimony.
"Then, I had to learn how to RESIST the devil who kept condemning me with my past and convincing me that I would have to pay for what I did" - creating a phobia and a fear of pregnancy that affected my marriage because I was convinced that my punishment would be death if I tried to have a child - after all I deserved to die for those I had killed - a life for a life, right?. But the Lord ministered to me There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1

I realized that only God could forgive sins and forgiveness was available through His son, Jesus Christ. The process of forgiving myself took years, but when I got tired of listening to satans accustions, I finally took it to God and he made me a testimony. We overcame him [the devil and his accusations] by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.” Revelation 12:11 So, I reminded myself of the grace that I received through salvation in Jesus Christ.

One day as I was fretting about dying on the birthing table, the Lord said to me, "What if you did die? Would you die for a child that I blessed you with in older age." He then led me to His word where I read the stories of Elizabeth, mother of John and Sarah, wife of Abraham. "Is there anything too hard for God", he asked. I said, "No." Then, "Yes, Lord. I would die for him." But, the Lord ministered to my heart that it wasn't even about dying, it was about trusting God (even in the worst case scenario) ...and I was set free with that confession of faith.

As I told the testimony to the man who would have been the father, he was convicted, received deliverance and was set free right then because he immediately repented, and asked God for forgiveness. I thanked God that over the years we had both been born again and received Jesus as our Lord and savior. We were not the people we used to be. I told my friend that we never had to discuss it again. It was finally finished, thirty years after it began. The Lord was faithful to bring the matter to a conclusion, once I was willing to confess, mourn, tell the testimony and let it go.

I pray that this testimony blesses someone. If you haven't had an abortion yet, and you do not know Jesus, Pray: Jesus I confess my sins to you. I know that you have the power to forgive sins and I want to be cleansed. I want to receive the grace that only you can give. I invite you into my heart and ask you to change me and to give me strength to resist my old ways of thinking and acting. I accept you as my savior and I give my life to you. Move on my behalf. Make my path clear. Protect my mind and help me make the right decisions.

If you are already "saved", remember that God loves you and once you confess and turn away from sin, he throws your sin in the sea of forgetfulness. Do not listen to the accusations of the enemy. The bible says that he accuses us before the Father day and night, but Jesus intercedes for us. He paid the price for our sins and his work is finished and good forever.

God bless you. The Prophetic Scribe

A Date with the King (A story by The Prophetic Scribe)

This is the day she had been waiting for all week long. She had a date with the king. All week long, he was all she could think about. Although, they communicated several times a day, their relationship had grown more and more intimate over the years. She could not wait to get in his presence and worship him.

She showered and took great care with her grooming. Truthfully, he did not care how she looked because when he looked at her, he saw her heart. Nevertheless, she wanted him to know how much she cared. That’s what he would see in her heart – her desire to be her best for him. She dressed her best for that job interview, that business meeting, and that young man that she knew had his eyes on her, and her king deserved even more, so she put forth the effort with great pleasure.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She wanted to make sure that she represented him well. When people looked at her, they would know by her attitude, her posture and her grace that she belonged to him. They would recognize her as a child of the king because the fruits of the spirit would be demonstrated through her interaction with people. Finally, she was ready for her date with the king, and anyone that she might encounter along the way.

It was time. She picked up her Bible and left the house. When she arrived at the church, she entered the house of God exuding warmth, and drawing the attention of the congregants with a smile that was sincere, genuine and inviting. She greeted her brothers and sisters with a holy kiss on the cheek and the children ran to hug her. As the worship service began, she forgot all about the people around her. She was transported beyond the veil, to the throne of God. She bowed at his feet and worshipped him. She praised his name and called him holy. She asked him if he was pleased with her, and he responded, “I am well pleased with you, daughter. You have been faithful with a little, so now I know that I can trust you with even more. All men will call you blessed.” She was overcome with thanks. As the tears of joy ran down her face, she became aware of her surroundings. As the service continued, the Lord spoke through the Pastor confirming the mysteries that God had revealed to her all week long in their conversations.

After church, she went to lunch. The glory of God was upon her. The people in the restaurant were intrigued by her as she sat at a table for two (only one was visible) enjoying her lunch. As she left the restaurant, a young woman approached her. She asked, “Don’t you feel strange eating lunch alone. You seem so comfortable. I always feel awkward when I’m alone in a restaurant. I feel like everyone is looking at me. Being alone doesn’t seem to bother you a bit. How do you do it … I mean, have that kind of confidence?” The woman of God smiled, “It’s really very simple. I’m never alone. Jesus is always with me. Do you have a relationship with Jesus?”

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” JOHN 12:32

c 2008 The Prophetic Scribe

Hidden Baggage

Hiding your baggage that you think no one else can see
Coming to God with dirty hands on bended knee
You were commanded to get rid of it long ago,
But you examine it in secret where you think no one will know.

Hiding your baggage, but it remains in plain site
Of the prophets that God sends to teach you how to travel light.
Your baggage is so heavy that you cannot even name it,
But because it is familiar, you continue to claim it.

You’re still hiding baggage that you haven’t used in years.
Dragging it around to remind you of the tears.
Your baggage is so old
that you don’t even remember what’s in it anymore.
So, why don’t you just throw that old baggage out of the door?

Say, good-bye, turn around and walk away.
Focus on what God has for you today.
Look straight ahead,
instead of the other way.
Let God guide you into a new day.

Baggage be gone in the name of Jesus!
Throw it out - in favor of obedience.
His yoke is easy, and your burdens he will bear.
All you have to do is get that baggage out of there.
So, clean out those closets containing old baggage today.
The books, cd's and unholy items must be thrown away.
Don’t pass them along to someone else.
Other souls are at stake, besides yourself.
The things, people and spirits that don’t agree with God’s word,
Must be cast out of your life. Notice must be served.

Loose peace and joy into your life.
Decree and declare that you are justified by Christ.
Bind all of those things that you have tossed out
To the abyss where there is no way out.
Now, walk in power and authority when the baggage is gone.
You should be asking yourself why it took so long?
Thank the Lord for opening your eyes.
Now, this here is your victory cry.

I’ve been delivered
I’ve been set free.
According to God’s word that lives in me.
No more baggage or bondage holding me.
By the power of Christ,
I can be all that God intends for me to be.
Now, I can see how that baggage was haunting me.
And, this testimony is a prophecy.
If God did it for me, he will do it for you.
Release the old, and live in expectation of the new.
And remember always
that God love you, too.

He will never forsake you
Or leave you alone.
He lives inside, so he's closer than the phone.
So, call on HIS name, Jesus!
And he will answer you.
Now that you have received His instructions,
What will YOU do?

© Arletia McInnis, The Prophetic Scribe