Internet Predators on Christian Dating Sites

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing:
We have a perception of Internet predators being creepy, ex-convicts and pedophiles that are posted on bulletin boards and watched by neighbors and police. However, many Internet predators are men and women who claim to be saved - even leaders in the church. Yes, that's right...Pastors, Prophets, Deacons, and Ministers, both male and female who engage in phone sex, fornication, adultery, and pornography behind the veil of the Internet. Some are experienced predators, and some just get caught in the net. The fact is that Christian dating sites are no safer than non-Christian sites when it comes to being deceived. On Internet dating sites Christians must BEWARE OF WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.
The Seduction:
A man or woman of God is very attractive. The word of God can be a very seductive tool for the experienced seducer. The bible says, that even satan appears as an angel of light. He knows the word too, and his most effective tool is our weakness. He uses God's people to perform his work. He knows our weaknesses and appeals to them. So, we are first seduced by satan (because we don't resist), then we allow this lustful spirit to contaminate his people through us as we spread our sin in secret.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
Therefore I offer the following tips for Christian Internet Daters:
1) Pray the full armor to prepare you for the spiritual realm (cyberspace) that you are entering. Pray that the Lord give you discernment.
2) Pay attention to the screen name and avoid it if it is sexual in nature. If it is ambiguous, a great ice breaker is to ask how they came up with that screen name.
3) Avoid profiles that include profanity (even acronyms !@#&*)that translate to curse words.
4) Avoid "legally separated" They are still married. How can they be serious about starting a relationship with you when they aren't even out of their last relationship?
5) Avoid Christian men/women who confess their sexual lust as a weakness and try to lead you down the road to destruction with them. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can help them lest you fall too. Dont' be seduced. Pray that they repent - from afar.
6) Be wary of men/women who have several children, but have never been married.
7) Be wary of women who's profile photos look like Playboy spreads or men who are topless or naked.
8) Avoid men/women who sound bitter, mean, angry or abusive. This is a sign that they need to forgive those that they perceive have hurt them. Pray for them from afar.
9) Pay attention to their choice of music, movies and entertainment.
10) Let your profile be an example of holiness. It will set a standard, be boring to most predators, and it doesn't expose your emotional vulnerabilities or invite carnal play.
11) Pray as the Lord leads you for the souls on these sites.
12) If God sent you there, don't neglect your assignment - to lead lost souls to Christ, minister reconciliation, and encourage believers to be holy because it is God's desire.
13) If God did not send you there, you may be a predator or prey - ask God to reveal and expose your own motives to you, and to help you work out your real issues - offline.
God bless you.
The Prophetic Scribe
I love coming to this site, and reading all the good stuff. LOL :) I love it!!!
mandie reed
Thank you, Mandie. I am glad to be a blessing to you. Please refer others that you think can benefit from the revelations and testimonies offered here. May God bless you richly.
A dating site for the disabled is concept for the world. I don't think that disabled Christians should separate themselves from the body of Christ under any circumstances.
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