The Adventures of the Prophetic Scribe

This is the online journal of the Prophetic Scribe. It is the chronology of a Christian poet's adventures on the road to holiness. Join in the dialogue as she shares her experiences and observations about life in the world from the perspective of a Christian woman of God. The purpose of the Prophetic Scribe is to reveal his love and truth through poetry, ministry, education and encouragement for God's purpose and glory.

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Location: United States

I'm fearless, courageous, adventurous, creative, and prophetic. I strive to live in holiness and obedience to God. I seek to please God, and fulfill the purpose for my life according to His will. I'm here to share the GIFT OF GRACE with those who need deliverance from the worries and issues of this world that are keeping them from living in the abundance of God's Grace. I pray that the information you find here is a blessing to your life.

Friday, July 21, 2006


In a Vision I Saw a Man Walking Down a Street During a Violent Storm...
He had an iron wire protruding out of his heart that stretched up to the sky. Imprinted on the wire were two words: "Hungry and Frustrated." The tip of the wire in the sky probed the Heavens for a connection. Suddenly a powerful bolt of lightning shot out of a cloud and struck the wire. An ear piercing clap of thunder followed. It was so loud, people on the street were startled. The lightning bolt traveled down the wire and the man burst into flames. I thought he was dead but he quickly composed himself, and had a look on his face that expressed "great joy and relief." He calmly looked himself over as if he were just fitted for a new suit...made of fire. He looked at his burning right palm and saw written the words, "The God of Elijah."

God says, "Glory Storms Are on the Horizon""I see many of My children with their antennas up, as if they were probing My Heaven with a great hunger and frustration. They have prayed for agonizingly long seasons, yet have never given up" (Revelation 2:26).

"They are about to be hit with My bolt of Glory Lightning (Revelation 4:5). Strong prophetic utterances will be on their tongues, and none of their words will fall to the ground" (1 Samuel 3:19).

"No one will see the lightning except those who have been struck, although their faces will glow brightly. Glory storms are to hover over congregations small and large. Bolt after bolt will strike My servants."

"With every lightning strike, a portion of hell will tremble (James 2:19), and a piece of Heaven will descend (Matthew 6:10).

Put your antenna up..."God says, "Lightning Bolts of Glory Will Awaken Seemingly Dormant Ministries" "Some small ministries that seemed to lay dormant in the ground, will quickly take off like a sprinter in a race (Psalms 19:5). Discouraged leaders will be amazed at the quick fruit that is reaped, contacts made, and the influence they suddenly have. For the first time in many years they will feel electrified because they will get a glory shock from Me."

"For most, it will be so unexpected, that no anticipation will be felt before they are struck with My power. It will truly be a 'suddenly' (Acts 2:2). As quickly as I knocked Paul off his horse (Acts 9:3-4), this Heavenly lightning will knock others back on theirs, and they will gallop back into the battle (Jeremiah 46:3-4). This time they will run hard like mighty men and never get tired (Joel 2:7). Mount up...." God says, "Look for Many to Experience Spontaneous Combustion"

"Others will be walking down the street, bursting into a glory flame, and 'out of the blue' start testifying to the lost. My blaze of glory will erupt within many, and although it will not be seen completely by everyone, all will notice one thing--the brilliant flash of an angelic countenance (Acts 6:15). Some will even mistake them for angels (Hebrews 13:2); others will call it 'The Glow,' because a supernatural radiance will beam from the person's face."

"Have not intercessors cried out for My glory to be manifested? (Habakkuk 2:14). It is almost time for the latter rain (Haggai 2:9) and My glory clouds are forming. Just before My rain comes, many will be struck with a glory bolt from above or spontaneously erupt into a blaze of glory."

"Be ready to give an answer when you erupt into flames (2 Timothy 4:2). Put your lightning rod up, My glory is about to strike...and no earthly fire department will be able to quench it." "And of His angels He says, 'Who makes His angels winds, and His ministers a flame of fire" Hebrews 1:7.

Al Thomas
Celebrating His Life Ministries


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